Java programming language |Samrat tayade


java is object oriented,simple,robust,secure and high level programming language.

java is created in 1995 by sun microsystem, now it is handle by oraclce.

james gosling  is the father of java.

before the name of java is oak, but oak is registered company so its name change from oak to java.


standalone applications

web applications

enterprise applications

mobile applications

java editions

java se

java ee

java me

java fx

JDK - java development kit

JRE - java runtime environment

JVM - java virtual machine




3.Arrays, Interface & collections, Vector



1.Tokens - Basic building blocks

a.keywords -  meaningful name, already defined in java.

b.identifiers - used for variable names. eg. 25

c.constants - fixed value eg. price=254; price

d.string - sequenced  characters. eg. "samrat"

e.special symbols -  other than the alphabets, digits and white spaces. [] () {} ; , * = #

f.operators - represents mathematical/non mathematical actions. +-*/

Keywords - MF PR ECO

1.Modifiers(10) - public private protected abstract static final native volatile transient synchronized

2.Flow(10) - if else do while case for switch default break continue

3.Primitive(8) - boolean byte short char int long double float

4.Reserved(2) - goto const

5.Exception(5) - try catch throw throws finally

6.Class(6)  - class import package extends interface implements

7.Others(9) - new this super void return instanceof assert enum strictfp

2.variables - A container which holds the value while the java program is executed.

a variables assigned with datatypes.

datatypes - different types of values store in variables. int char float

variables Ex. int v=5;  v is variable here

3.Array interface vector

Array - is an object which contains elements of a similar data type. ex. int arr[]={12,25,65};

collection - group

interface - blueprint of a class.

list - ArrayList, LinkedList, vector, stack

Queue - PriorityQueue, Deque - ArrayDeque

Set - HashSet, LinkedHashSet, SortedSet- TreeSet

4.oops concepts  IEOCAP

a.Inheritance - Inherit the feature of another class.reusability of code.extends keyword use.

b.Encapsulation - Wrapping up of data under a single unit.hide the values inside class for preventing direct access to them.

public private protected

c.Object - Represents the real life entities. ex. chair, car

d.Class - Collections of objects having similar properties.

e.Abstraction - We use abstract class and interface to achieve abstraction.

hiding  the unnecessary details from the user.

f.Polymorphism - One name, Many Form.

we use method  overloadinng and method overriding to achieve polymorphism.

Method overloading - Whenever a class contain more than one method with same name and different types of parameters.

Syntax - returntype methodname(parameter1);

         returntype methodname(parameter2);

Method overriding - Whenever we writing method in super and subclasses in such a way that method name and parameter must be same.

5.Multithreading - Multithreading in Java is a process of executing multiple threads simultaneously.

A thread is a lightweight sub-process, the smallest unit of processing. Multiprocessing and multithreading, both are used to achieve multitasking.


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